Monday, 29 November 2010

No need for cars, ride a bike!

A group of cyclists in Lyon advocate bike-riding over driving a car. Omar, a young man involved in a bike-making group, says using a bike to get around is practical and fun.

Omar explains that the public transport system in Lyon makes cars virtually unnecessary, and that it is very easy and often faster to bike. Cycling also saves on valuable resources and avoids creating pollution from gas emissions.

“It is more environmentally friendly to ride a bike. Plus, it is fun,” exclaims Omar. He points out some of the more interesting bike models, which are high-seated and marked with various funny pictures and words.  

The group bikes through the city, some of them wearing costumes. A couple of cyclists pull wagons with signs reading, “Your car stinks” and “Veloution,” a play on words meaning bicycle revolution.

The group also advocates more bicycle paths to make bike-riding more accessible and attractive to the public.

The bicycle making workshop “L’atelier du chat perché” runs every Monday from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at 84 Avenue Lacassagne. 

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Lyon festival protests domestic violence

Break the Silence Festival took place this week in Lyon, France to raise awareness about violence against women. In 2009, 140 women in France were killed in domestic violence disputes.

The festival, which centered around International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), began earlier this week and finished today. Various organizations and about 100 artists worked together to put on a variety of shows, plays and concerts throughout Lyon and its suburbs.

A parade accompanied by a Brazilian drumming band worked its way from Place Bellecour to Place Louis Pradel, ending the festival on a noisy note. High school students from Lyon’s suburb Vénissieux performed a dance show, which was followed by a brief speech depicting some of the women killed by domestic violence in 2009. White-clad demonstrators with masks represented the dead women.

Read more:

"Domestic violence kills one woman in France every two days"

"Domestic violence - break the silence"

High School students from Venissieux, a suburb of Lyon, dance during the parade.

140 women in France were killed during domestic violence disputes in 2009.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Ski station in downtown Lyon

 A make-shift ski station with an eleven meter ramp has been installed at Place de la République in downtown Lyon. Trois Vallées ski resort invites the public to participate in down-hill skiing, biathlon, luge and free style. The station will remain in place for the public to enjoy from November 23 to 27.       

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Photo Essay: Lyon Retirement Reform Protests Weaken

On Nov. 23, between 3200 and 7000 people in Lyon, France came out to protest against the new retirement reform law. The French government changed the minimum retirement age from 60 to 62 and the maximum age from 65 to 67 in mid-November. The protest began at Saxe Gambetta and continued to Cordeliers, where the various union groups conglomerated in front of the Palais du Commerce. Several important labour unions were present, including CGT (General Labour Union) and CFDT (French Democratic Labour Union). However, Unions FO (Labour Force) and CGC (General Salaried Employee Union) did not participate in the demonstration. It appears the unions are no longer unified as some withdrew from the movement after the law was passed. Read more:

"High School St. Rom taking up the fight."

"Fat pigs get rich off our money. Retirement reforms imposed
by those hiding out. Maggoty banker accomplices."

"Down with misery and dictatorship!"
"Blocking, sabotaging, wild strike!"

You can see the famous Basilique de Fourviere in the background.

Cordeliers, Lyon in front on the steps of Palais du Commerce.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Opinion: The French Tradition of Striking

"Striking is our national sport," a French friend joked to me recently. I have lived and worked in Lyon, France for over 2 years, and it does seem as though there is always some kind of strike or protest going on. Everyone is forced to notice because we are unable to get from one place to another efficiently. It is not uncommon for those who take the train to stay home from work on these occasions.

Recently, the strikes in France regarding retirement reforms have taken a place in the international spotlight. Many North Americans sigh in exasperation when they hear that the French are striking, AGAIN. It may be hard for us to feel sympathetic about the minimum retirement age being moved up from 60-62 when we know that the French have 35 hour work weeks and get at least 5 weeks of holiday a year. We may also guffaw when we remember that the French football team went on strike during the World Cup this year after a dispute with their coach.

On one hand, I feel annoyed about the frequency of strikes and protests because of the inconveniences they cause, and because I think the French are actually very lucky to have such great social benefits and programs.

On the other hand, I see the value of the French practice of striking. France has what it has—Universal healthcare, free University education, excellent unemployment benefits, a minimum of 5 weeks of holidays a year, and 35 hour work weeks—because of a long tradition of people willing to act in order to make new ground or to protect what they already have.

The French custom of striking seems to be passed down from generation to generation. Parents often bring their children with them to strikes, instilling in them early this particular tradition. This culture of protest took root with the French Revolution in 1789. France was the first country in Europe to break free from the bonds of feudalism, and since this oppressive time, French people have nurtured a wariness of authority and a strong willingness to fight for their rights. Throughout history, this revolutionary streak has reappeared. During the Nazi occupation of France in WWII, an important resistance movement developed in the free-zone in and around Lyon. As well, the great strikes of May 1968 heralded major changes for workers rights and witnessed a shedding of traditional morality for more modern ideals.

While the French are proud of their revolutionary past, they are also able to make fun of themselves. When the footballers went on strike earlier this year, many French people rolled their eyes or made a crack at their reputation as "un pays des râleurs" or "a country of moaners and complainers."

As a North American living in France, I have learned that it is necessary to take these events in stride--to view the French practice of striking in its historical context and to choose to be amused rather than annoyed when my plans get marred. The French have a long history and tradition of striking, and I guess that this is just, well, one of the many charms of French culture.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Photo Essay: Lyon Retirement Reform Protest

Protesters against the retirement reforms in Lyon aren't giving up without a fight. Despite the National Assembly's vote in favour of the reforms and the dwindling of the movement during the All Saints Holidays, between 9 500 and 22 000 people still came out to protest today (according to Metro France). They started at Place Jean-Jaures, proceeded up rue Cours-Gambetta, and finally gathered at Place Bellecour. The various groups of protesters carried an array of signs, reading: "We refuse to pay for the crisis" and "Sarkozy Destitution". The long stream of protesters were accompanied by marching drummers, a flag spinner, bands playing on floats, and even small fireworks.

"For the right to retire at 60"

This little dog led the way to Place Bellecour.

"At last, retirement"

Some entertainment for the protesters.

Even babies are welcome.

Fun fireworks at Place Bellecour.

"Gang-banging of the nation."

"No reforms. The age stays at 60."

"And those who started working young?" "And those who suffer unemployment?"

"Sarkozy neither God nor Master"